Library App Guide

How to get started

Step 1: Download the app. Search 'Guernsey Library' in your app store, or click here. Download the app to your device. 

Step 2: Log in. Open the app and tap the menu in the top right (three lines stacked on top of each other). Or you can tap the 'Account' tab on the home page. Tap 'sign in' and enter your Library card number and PIN. Don't know what these are? Email [email protected] or call 01481 720392.

Step 3: Get started. The app is ready to go! Search for books, renew your loans, use your phone to check books out in the Library and lots more!


Step-by-step video guides


Frequently asked questions

+ Do I have to get the app? No, using the app is not obligatory and none of the Library's services are changing. If you don’t want to use the app, you can carry on using the Library in exactly the same way as before.


+ Can I use the app on my tablet as well as my phone? Yes! You can download the Library App to any device that supports apps and has an internet connection. 


+ How do I link my child’s account to mine? If you are a guarantor for your child’s Library membership, you can link your account to theirs in the Library app. Simply log in with your details, then tap the menu icon in the top right of the homepage. Tap ‘Linked Accounts’ and then tap ‘+Add’. Enter the log in details for each account you would like to link.


+ How do I scan an item to check out? Open the app and tap the ‘self check’ option at the top of the screen alongside a shopping basket icon. Alternatively, you can also find the ‘self check’ in the main homepage menu. Tap the green ‘check out’ box. Open the book you wish to borrow at the back page. You will see a small white square stuck to the cover – hold your phone over this for a few seconds. Once the scan is complete you will see a tick and ‘check out success’ on the screen. Tap ‘finish’. Note - when you first use the 'self-check' feature, your devive will prompt you to turn on location services and 'NFC' which enables the feature to work. 


+ How do I add an item to my list? To start a list, first find an item you would like to add. You can search the whole collection using the ‘Search’ bar at the top of the homepage. Once you have found the item you would like to add, tap the bookmark icon in the top right (next to the home button). Give your list a name and tap ‘OK’. Your new list will appear in blue – ensure this is selected and then tap ‘Done’. To view your lists, tap the menu icon in the top right of the homepage. Tap ‘My Lists’ and tap ‘More’ to view each one.


+ Where is my loan history? The app doesn’t show your full loan history. However, you can still find this by signing into your account via the web browser here. Log in as normal using your Library card number and PIN.


+ Can I use the self check at the Community Libraries? Self check is only available at the Guille-Allès Library in St Peter Port. For the Community Libraries, our friendly volunteers are on hand to help. Find out more here.

WATCH: How to get started with the Library App