The Fab Lab will be closed from 17-23 January for an upgrade. Check back then for an exciting update!

Lit with Liberate: Orlando

Lit with Liberate: Orlando


Lit with Liberate will meet in April to discuss Orlando by Virginia Woolf. Multiple copies are available to borrow, please email Beth at [email protected] to reserve yours. 

Come along for pizza, drinks and book chat in the Rowswell Room on the second floor. Zoom attendance possible, please let us know if you want to take part this way and we’ll send you the details. No booking required. If you haven’t read the book but want to come along for a taster of the book group, please do!  



Orlando has always been an outsider...

His longing for passion, adventure and fulfilment takes him out of his own time. Chasing a dream through the centuries, he bounds from Elizabethan England and imperial Turkey to the modern world. Will he find happiness with the exotic Russian Princess Sasha? Or is the dashing explorer Shelmerdine the ideal man? And what form will Orlando take on the journey - a nobleman, traveller, writer? Man or... woman?

A wry commentary on gender and history, Orlando is also, in Woolf's own words, a light-hearted 'writer's holiday' which delights in ambiguity and capriciousness.