The Fab Lab will be closed from 17-23 January for an upgrade. Check back then for an exciting update!

Curriculum Project Loans

To supplement your own school library, Curriculum Project Loans provide further resources for specific topics and projects.

Loans are usually issued for one term but can be renewed, providing the resources have not been requested by another school. Pre-ordered loans are delivered by our courier at the start of every school term, and collected at the end of term.

To order your project loan, please email our Collections Lead Tiffany Woosley on [email protected] or call 720392 with the following information:

  • Subject/Topic
  • Curriculum area (e.g. Science)
  • Year Group/Ability Level
  • Number of classes/pupils
  • School
  • Teacher

Alternatively, get in touch to book an appointment if you wish to select your own books from our Schools Collection.

It's useful if TLRs (Teachers with Library Responsibility) send loan requests for the whole school in advance, so that where possible we can ensure a fair spread of resources across all schools. However, we do understand that not all topics can be planned in advance and are happy to supply loans throughout the term as needed.



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