Silence please! For this poem by librarian Sarah Fletcher, painting a verbal impression of Guernsey's second lockdown using only book titles from our collection.
The invisible enemy - Channel Islands invaded. The fear bubble. Guernsey people Endangered. Isolated island.
Learning without school. Motivating students to learn, Seize the day, Learn as you play.
In a time of distance. The world of masks. The consolation of nature - Unknown Guernsey, Ruettes tranquilles: life in the slow lane.
Get started in creative writing, Get running, Get up and gouache!
Learn to sew, Acrylics, Belly dancing for fitness.
Lose weight and get fit - The pop-up gym, The high intensity workout.
Time to eat...Overcoming binge eating!
Guernsey moods? Tomorrow will be a good day - The sun does shine. Hopeful hearts - We'll meet again. Guernsey: our island home. Back from the brink.
(Or should that be the Brink??)
Find all these books on the shelves of the Library once we re-open....whenever that glorious day comes! In the meantime, don't forget about our huge eBook and audiobook collections available here.
We can't wait to welcome you back to the Library soon - until then, keep reading, keep fit, and most importantly, keep safe.